Thursday, October 12, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

For those of you who care, I took the second WOMBAT and got an Exceeds Expectations! Woohoo, better than last time.

This Thanksgiving, we went to Swan River, Manitoba for my baba and gido's 60th wedding anniversary. James and I, along with my sister, stayed at my aunt's house in Pelly (have you ever heard of Pelly? Oh speaking of small towns, the party was in Benito, Manitoba-ever heard of that?). Saturday we did prep work for the party, like chopping vegetables. Then we went with my dad to pick up my grandparents so they could have supper with us. Sunday was the party; it was a good time (but keep in mind the average age of the guests was atleast 65!). James ate sooo many perogies I think he still feels sick. Mmmmm-is there anything better than a thanksgiving meal that includes perogies and cabbage rolls?

My family with my grandparents

1 comment:

Zack said...

Happy Thanksgiving. And no I haven't heard of any of the places you listed.