Ok, I know the honeymoon comes after the wedding but I'm going to put more pictures of the honeymoon first.
After we finally got to Paris (a day late, spent a night in Montreal, Air Canada is stupid) our airport transfer didn't show up so we had to improvise and take a cab. It was a private taxi so I was a bit nervous because he's just some guy with a car and a taxi license, but it turned out ok. Then we took a nap for a couple hours before going to the Louvre. Is that ever a big place on no sleep! I love history and art so I very much enjoyed myself, even though we had to skip sections of the museum. We were sleeping by 6pm that night!

On Thursday we went to the Rodin museum gardens and saw some wonderful sculptures. We then discovered butter and sugar crepes. Mmmmm. After our crepe we walked to a street market by the Eiffel Tower and bought wine to bring back with us. Then we went up to the 2nd level of the Eiffel Tower-when we got back lots of people thought we should have gone to the top but it looked way too high for me. Later in the day we went to my FAVOURITE museum ever-the Orsay Museum. It has a lot of Impressionist work which I love, especially Monet, Degas, etc.

Ok, I'm a HP geek. Jane will appreciate it!

On Friday we did lots of stuff-the Victor Hugo House, the Picasso Museum (but lots of the works I wanted to see were on loan). Then we took the metro for the first and last time on our trip to get closer to Sacre Coeur. What a beautiful church. And what a huge hill to climb to get there! That night we went on a river boat tour, and illuminations tour (you get to see everything lit up), and then for supper on the Champs Elysee. It was an awesome night.

On the Illuminations tour

The next day we took the RER to Versailles. When we were buying our tickets we saw a sign that said we could be our entrance tickets in advance. That was the smartest thing we did the entire trip. The line was so long and we didn't have to wait-the tickets we bought got us to the front! We were lucky because Saturday is the day there is a special fountain show in the garden, so we did that to.

On Sunday we went to Ste Chapelle and Notre Dame-both are beautiful. Mass was going on when we toured Notre Dame. It is always appalling to see how poorly people behave while touring a church. Why ruin it for others? In the afternoon we went to a fancy chocolate shop and bought the best chocolate cake in the world. Seriously.

Monday was our last day in Paris. The highlight of the day was the Opera Garnier-the building is so opulent. I felt like singing songs from Phantom of the Opera. James had the best cheese pizza I have ever tasted for lunch. We went into every book store we saw trying to find french Harry Potter but we never found it. What a great honeymoon. It went by so fast....